The Monika A. Mazur Blog

Why Completing Your Personal Journey Before Guiding Others Matters

performance coaching

Hey there, beautiful souls,

Today, I wanted to share a thought that has been lingering on my mind lately. It's about a fundamental principle when it comes to guiding and supporting others on their journeys. It's the idea that we need to complete our own personal journey before we can effectively mentor or assist others.

In life, many of us are on our paths, figuring things out, trying to improve ourselves, and working through our challenges. It's a natural and beautiful process. However, there's something powerful about reaching a certain point on that journey—getting to a place where we've navigated our own challenges, reflected on our experiences, and gathered insights from our personal growth.

Attempting to guide or coach others while we're still in the midst of our own journey can lead to ineffective guidance. Why? Because unresolved personal challenges and emotions might cloud our ability to provide clear, solid advice and support.

I've come to believe that a reflective approach post-journey is what truly allows us to be of help to others. It's like that old saying, "Put your oxygen mask on before assisting others." When we've reached a point of personal resolution, we can offer support from a place of wisdom, clarity, and stability.

What's more, it's about leading by example rather than pushing others. Letting our own journey reach completion before attempting to guide others is key. It's not about forcing others onto a path we think is best for them; it's about being the example and letting them find their way by witnessing our experiences and growth.

The whole concept echoes my belief that it's crucial to reflect on our own journey and gain clarity before trying to assist others effectively. This reflective approach serves both the mentor and the mentee. And, you know what? It's all about being fair to ourselves and to others.

As I write this, I'm reminded of the immense power in the completion of our personal journeys. It's like reaching a mountaintop, looking back at the paths we've walked, and extracting lessons, wisdom, and insights from our experiences.

So, if you're on your journey, whether in fitness, business, or life in general, allow yourself the time and space to reach that point of reflection. Only then can you truly and effectively offer your support to others.

Remember, being the example, rather than pushing, will always yield better results. Be the guide who's been there, done that, and is ready to share wisdom with those seeking guidance.

Thanks for being here and sharing in this journey of thoughts and reflections.

Catch you soon, somewhere on social!

With love and light,

Monika 🌟