The Monika A. Mazur Blog

How I pivoted my business

fitness business

Today, I'm diving into the story of my journey to creating the dream work environment I enjoy today. πŸ’ΌπŸŒŸ


It didn't happen overnight, but it's a testament that your dreams are achievable, no matter your industry. Whether you're a graphic designer, a coach, an editor, or anything else, remote work and fulfillment are within reach. 🌍✨


Let's rewind to 2019 when I ran a fitness studio. Things were going well, but I craved a new challenge. My path led me to consider becoming a fitness business coach, but it didn't ignite my passion. πŸ‹οΈ‍β™€οΈπŸš«


Then 2020 hit. COVID-19 forced a pivot. I transitioned my business online. πŸ’»


Here's the takeaway: Success takes time. It's not about making six figures or becoming an amazing boss in a day. It's about consistent, forward progress. πŸš€


So if you're on a path of reinvention, remember, it's a step-by-step journey. Don't compare yourself to others; focus on your path. Surround yourself with mentors and stay committed. πŸ›€οΈπŸ€


What's your next step in your journey? Reflect on it today. Remember, all you need is already inside you. 🌟πŸ”₯


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