The Monika A Mazur Blog

Embracing Balance: A Reflection on 2023 with Monika performance coaching

Hey there, BBMs! Today, it's just you and me, and we're diving into a profound reflection on life, balance, and the essence of creating a life that truly works for you. As we approach the end of...

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Liz McVoy: Betting on Myself. A Conversation on Fitness, Business, and Motherhood exercises and workouts interviews

Hey Ladies!

Monika here, and I'm beyond excited to share a heart-to-heart conversation with the amazing Liz. This isn't your typical success story; it's a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and...

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The dangers of chasing the high of accomplishment performance coaching

Hey Ladies!

As I wrap up a day filled with diverse sessions, a thought weighs on me—the relentless pursuit of success. Today, let's pause and acknowledge our accomplishments, for you, my...

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Chio's Journey: From Finding Me on Facebook to Big Changes through Workouts exercises and workouts interviews

Hey everyone! I'm super excited to share the incredible journey of Chio, who discovered me on Facebook years back and found her way into a life-changing fitness story. It's pretty amazing how...

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Monika's 90-Day Fitness Transformation: A No-Nonsense Guide to Shape Up exercises and workouts

As we gear up for the holiday season, I'm here with some no-nonsense wisdom for those aiming for a New Year, New Me transformation. It's November now, but by the time you hear this, January will be...

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Battling the Unknown: Christina's Cancer Journey exercises and workouts interviews nutrition performance coaching

In our recent podcast episode, I had the privilege of hosting Christina, who shared her courageous journey of battling cancer and the profound impact it's had on her life. Her narrative is a...

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Unveiling the True Culprit of Time Wasting: Your Thoughts on Others performance coaching

Hey there, my vibrant souls!

Ever caught yourself fretting about what others think or caught up in why they aren't aligning with your journey? Let's talk about how we unknowingly waste our time and...

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RenƩe: A Rollercoaster of Change: Renee's Weight Loss Story exercises and workouts interviews nutrition

In a recent insightful conversation with Renee, a resilient and determined client, the conversation transcended mere words. Renee's journey was a testament to her personal growth and the courage to...

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Why Completing Your Personal Journey Before Guiding Others Matters performance coaching

Hey there, beautiful souls,

Today, I wanted to share a thought that has been lingering on my mind lately. It's about a fundamental principle when it comes to guiding and supporting others on their...

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Myisha Houlder - Consistency Wins: Blueprint for Complete Health exercises and workouts interviews

 As I sat down with Myisha, a vibrant and inspiring fitness enthusiast, our conversation flowed into the depth of her transformative journey towards holistic wellness. Myisha's narrative...

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